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BioMed Central is an open access publisher of over 200 free online academic journals specializing in subjects related to science, technology and medicine. Areas of interest to social workers include public health, substance abuse, Alzheimer's research and health care policy. Journal of Social Work: This is an international peer reviewed forum for the publication, dissemination and debate of key ideas and research in social work. You can find online articles here that promote, debate and analyze current themes and issues in social work theory, research, policy and practice,. An open access publisher of over 250 free online academic journals specializing in subjects related to science, technology and medicine. Springer Open. Search within over 160 peer-reviewed open access journals and some open access books. Most journals are in the medicine and science but there are some articles. Latest articles. Article. Post-traumatic growth 2.5 years after the 2011 Joplin, Missouri tornado. First et al. Published online: 30 Nov 2017. editorial. Post-traumatic growth and resilience despite experiencing trauma and oppression. Anderson. Published online: 27 Nov 2017. editorial. Preface. Siegel. Published online: 26 Oct. Social Work Library Resources: Journal Articles in Social Work. Indexes and abstracts current research (articles are from 1980 to the present) in social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social. Using the InfoLink system to check if journal articles are available online. Cover Story. Climate Change and Public Health — How Social Workers Can Advocate for Environmental Justice Social Work Today talks with social workers about the clear and present danger of climate change, how it impacts public health, and how social workers can advocate for environmental justice. Featured Articles. Publishers may have the option to restrict access to some journal articles for a few months to a few years before allow the article to become open and posted. BioMed Central is an open access publisher of over 200 free online academic journals specializing in subjects related to science, technology and. All accepted manuscripts will be published online. The publisher may, on occasion, also publish a collection of some articles in print form. White Hat Communications sells other social work publications and merchandise. There is some minimal advertising on the journal's webpages. Platform? Journal's. About the journal. Published for the British Association of Social Workers, this is the leading academic social work journal in the UK. It covers every aspect of social work, with papers reporting research, discussing practice, and examining … Find out more. Readers can freely access or cite the article. The accepted papers are published online within one week after the completion of all necessary publishing steps. DOI®number. Each paper published in Journal of Sociology and Social Work is assigned a DOI®number, which appears beneath the author's affiliation in the. ISSN: 0091-1674 (Print) 1573-3343 (Online). Founded in 1973, the Clinical Social Work Journal publishes leading, peer-reviewed original articles relevant to contemporary clinical practice with individuals, couples, families, and groups. It is Time to Delink Psychodynamic Theory from the Definition of Clinical Social Work. Print subscriptions include a license to access the online version. To subscribe contact the membership department: E: T: 0121 622 8405. Get a taste of BJSW free online. Editor's Choice articles: BASW Kay McDougall British Journal of Social Work Prize winning articles:. Widely read by practitioners, faculty, and students, it is the official journal of NASW and is provided to all members as a membership benefit. Social Work is dedicated to improving practice. Social Work. ISSN: 0037-8046. 7" x 10". Estimated pages: 96 per issue. NASW members can access articles online at: Social Work. NASW Press offers online access to Social Work, Children & Schools, Health & Social Work, and Social Work Research. JSWVE addresses ethical and value issues that encompass the full range of social problems and issues that social workers encounter. The journal provides the necessary historical perspectives on the development of social work values and ethics, as well as present articles providing value and ethical dilemmas stemming. The New Social Worker magazine publishes articles on social work careers, social work education, social work ethics, technology, books, and more. Published quarterly since 1994. Includes material of relevance to psychologists and professionals in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work. PubMed (database). Includes articles on evidence-based interventions for mental health issues. About the journal. Social Work Research publishes exemplary research to advance the development of knowledge and inform social work practice … Find out more. Now available on article pages.. Register to receive table of contents email alerts as soon as new issues of Social Work Research are published online. International Journal of Social Work (IJSW) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by the Macrothink Institute. The journal is striving to provide the best platform. Economic Development. The journal is published in online versions, which is free access and download. Journal Homepage Image. Feel free to contact me with your research questions.. OneSearch including the library's physical items and most of the library's electronic content. Social Work Abstracts. SEARCH for any social work topic. FIND professional, scholarly social work journal article references. Social Services Abstracts. EBSCO provides top sociology journals, books, magazines and peer-reviewed articles for researchers and social workers.. Updated on a weekly basis, AgeLine is the premier online resource for social gerontology research. Child Development & Adolescent Studies. This bibliographic database is today's source for. In an effort to help School of Social Work alumni and other practicing social workers in Oregon find the research they need, Librarian Kimberly Pendell created the Open Access Social Work guide. This research guide provides links to free, online research journals and other resources in social work and related fields,. The Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research is dedicated to presenting innovative research on social problems, intervention programs, and policies.. Free Access Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement Reduces Opioid Attentional Bias Among Prescription Opioid-Treated Chronic Pain Patients. JSSWR publishes one or two articles per issue as open access articles, and the journal is provided free to all Society members as a membership benefit. In January 2014, JSSWR joined the. Description: The SW&S-Journal is an Open Access Online Journal for Social Work and Social Policy. As an international journal the. All future issues of the journal will be divided into 4 defined sections: Journal Article (i.e. papers of academic nature); Professional and Practice Forum (i.e. papers of academic merit or with practice implications); Book Review (i.e. reviews on recently published books related to social services or social work); Research Brief. The School Social Work Association of America (SSWAA), with initial funding from the National Education Association, is developing and publishing the International Journal of School Social Work (IJSSW), a free online open access journal. The initial purpose of IJSSW is to expand the quantitative and qualitative research. The e-journal Social Work and Society is dedicated to critical analysis of the relationship between social work, social policy, the state and economic forces. Australian Social Work is an international peer-reviewed journal reflecting current thinking and trends in social work.. readership (print circulation averages 8,000, approximately 100,000 individual article downloads per year); Web-based manuscript submission and peer review; 144-0748 (electronic); 0312-407X (paper). The journal also publishes book reviews and encourages short topical pieces called viewpoints offering readers' critical commentaries on published articles, analyses of policy or practice developments, and reports on research-informed practice innovations. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work has been the official journal. The British Journal of Social Work is a peer-reviewed academic journal with a focus on social work in the UK. It is published eight times a year by Oxford Journals for the British Association of Social Workers (BASW). The journal was first published in 1971 and the current joint editors-in-chief are Margaret Holloway,. Use UQ Library Search to search for scholarly, peer reviewed journal articles.. Includes journal articles from published material on the social sciences and humanities.. Social policy research paper online provides access to a series of monographs from the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and. NACSW's Journal, Social Work and Christianity (SWC) publishes articles, shorter contributions, book reviews, and letters which deal with issues related to the integration. Free online access to current and archived issues of Social Work and Christianity going back to 1974 is one of the complimentary benefits included with. JSWE Awards. The JSWE Best Article awards recognize outstanding work published each year in the journal. The Best Article award winners and honorable mentions for volume year 48 are available for reading or free download from Taylor & Francis Online. For most busy professionals, there simply isn't time to go to the library or scroll through page after page of search results. This guide brings the library to you by providing online access to peer-reviewed journals, and other popular publications, through the Kentucky Virtual Library. We have also included links to free, reliable. Critical and Radical Social Work is an exciting new journal that promotes debate and scholarship around a range of engaged social work themes. The journal publishes papers which seek to analyse and respond to issues, such as the impact of global neo-liberalism on social welfare; austerity and social work; social work. ERIC indexes a wide variety journal sources. The coverage of an approved journal source is determined by an examination of three to five current issues during the source review process. A journal may be switched between being comprehensively, selectively, or occasionally indexed at any time. Source coverage is. This resource provides access to scholarly articles, journals, book reviews, and dissertations in social work, human services, social welfare, social. This database is a free online resource from the U.S. National Library of Medicine that provides high-quality, authoritative health information for the consumer. Free Databases for Magazine/Journal Articles, etc. AgeLine Database "AgeLine abstracts the literature of social gerontology as well as aging-related research from psychology, sociology, social work, economics, public policy, and the health sciences. It covers aging-related issues for professionals in aging services, health,. Free Online Lectures and Courses for Social Work. Students can gain some insight into this rewarding, but often difficult field, through several online social work courses made available free of charge from universities across the.. A journal publishing articles relating to social work analysis, research, polity, and practice. You will no longer be able to access full-text journal articles in many of the databases to which the library subscribes. LIBRARY. The free, online version of the subscription-based magazine New Social Worker. You can read book reviews, look at social work job postings and subscribe to free email news from the site. Social Sciences (ISSN 2076-0760) is an international, open access journal with rapid peer-review, which publishes works from a wide range of fields, including anthropology, economics, law, linguistics, education, geography, history, political science, psychology and sociology. Social Sciences is published quarterly online. Sage is a valued IFSW partner as publisher of the journal International Social Work. To see the offer in detail look here. To celebrate World Social Work Day 2013 Routledge has chosen the theme of the month as Global Social Work. There is free online access to over 45 articles from across their Social. Peer-Reviewed Articles. What is a Peer-Reviewed Article? Peer-reviewed articles are written by experts and researchers who want to share their research with others in the field. How do you find Peer-Reviewed articles? Search online databases and scholarly journals. Read the database description to. The following journals all include articles on ethics and ethical issues in social work practice. Search by keyword within these electronic journals to find articles on your topic. To do this click through from the catalogue record to the eJournal and then look for the search box to search the eJournal content. The journal is dedicated to publishing work from both natural and social sciences and covers basic and applied research. The journal is committed to disseminating information in the developing world. Free online access is available for all articles and hard copy subscriptions are highly subsidised for Asia, Africa and Latin. Although JNSW's focus is on renal disease, its content is relevant to a wide range of social workers and other allied health care professionals. For information on how to submit articles to JNSW, author guidelines, or to contact the JNSW Editorial Board, click here. To order a print copy of The Journal of Nephrology Social. Cynthia Franklin, Ph.D. Professor at the University of Texas at Austin School of Social Work. Read about Cynthia Franklin's approach to editing an online encyclopedia with the help of a 13-member editorial board. article, Social Work Abstracts, Produced by NASW (National Association of Social Workers), covers key English language journals in social work and related fields. Access provided: 1977- More Information. EndNote Web, My EndNote Web is an online research management and writing tool. It is designed to help faculty. An international academic journal containing original articles that draw upon contemporary policy-related research and developments in the social sciences... Social Care Online is a free service offering a complete range of information and research on all aspects of social care and social work in the UK. This journal is devoted to the application of theory and research from social psychology toward the better understanding of human adaptation and adjustment, including both the alleviation of psychological problems and distress (e.g.,. Register for online access; View the most cited articles and free sample issues! The African Journal of Social Work is an international refereed journal that serves as a forum for exchanging ideas and knowledge and discussing issues relevant to social work practice, education and research in the African region. Producing 2 issues a year, the Journal is published by the National Association of Social. Search, browse and read Questia's library of full-text peer-reviewed academic and scholarly journals for the latest research in your academic field.. Questia's library of academic journals contains hundreds of thousands of full-text journal articles from some of the world's leading publishers.. Social Work Journals (8). You may also use the State Library's Citation Linker to locate a specific journal, or to find an article if you have a complete or partial citation. Simply fill out the form. Directory of Open Access Journals is a service that provides categorized, searchable links to free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. Our guide to the key social care journals ?Share. Adoption & Fostering, Adoption and fostering, Print: £64 / Online: £64 / Students (Print only): £40, Print: £130 / Online: £. Research Policy and Planning: The Journal of the Social Services Research Group, Social work (general), Free, Free, Online, 3. Smith College Studies. Urban Social Work (USW) is a peer-reviewed journal focusing specifically on urban social work theories and practice. This journal contributes to the improvement and sustainability of healthy urban communities through publication of articles on a. The list here is limited to journals published mainly or exclusively in English, where it is possible to get free access to the full text of articles without the need for a. Nursing and other health-related areas journals; Psychology journals; Social anthropology journals; Social work and social policy journals; Sociology journals. Social Work students can get journals and articles from both St Thomas and St Kate's. Check both. You can find articles, books, and videos online about different methodologies, statistical analyses, and research designs. From the “Little. Free, full text articles on a wide variety of topics. Site includes an. Useful resources for Social Work.. IBSS (International Bibliography of Social Science) Online. IBSS includes over 2.5 million bibliographic references to journal articles, books, reviews and selected chapters dating back to 1951. Over 2,800 journals are regularly indexed and some 7,000 book and. This journal publishes original papers in all areas of personality and social psychology. To celebrate World Social Work Day 2013 our theme this month is Global Social Work. Read on for free online access to over 45 articles from across our Social Work journals and a 15% discount on our books. Free Online Access to Key Social Work Articles. This free access promotion has now ended. Sign up for our Social. Australian Social Work is the professional journal of the Australian Association of Social Workers. Through the. Australian Social Work has grown out of the Australian context and continues to provide a. Early Electronic Offprints Corresponding authors will receive 50 free reprints, free online access to their article through. SocINDEX with Full Text A Best Bet database. Scholarly journal articles on sociology and related social and behavioral sciences. Hundred of scholarly journals available in full text; hundreds of other journals indexed. 25,000 author profiles. Replaced ProQuest Sociological Abstracts. Coverage dates vary; 1895-present. Journal of Social Policy - Professor Patricia Kennett, Dr Misa Izuhara.. ISSN: 0047-2794 (Print), 1469-7823 (Online); Editors: Professor Patricia Kennett School for Policy Studies|University of Bristol|8 Priory Road|Bristol BS8 1TZ and Dr Misa Izuhara School for Policy. Article; Welfare Grunters and Workfare Monsters? Articles in the Journal are directly related to the improvement of social work practice in the schools.. 10 Lies You Learn Growing Up with Domestic Violence, and the Truths to Set You Free - the first book ever published for anyone who grows up living with domestic violence or anyone who cares about someone who did. Databases provide access to high-quality peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, dissertations and other sources.These databases. Social Care Online will remain free to use, but by registering and logging you will be able to make the best use of the resource. Family Law. Many of the most popular MOOCs online are for introductory courses to Psychology, Sociology and Social Theory.. Free to members of AOSW, this multidisciplinary journal contains articles that may cover the psychological needs of hospice workers, patient education, family involvement, pediatric cancer patients, and. The Social Science Journal is the official journal of the Western Social Science Association.. principal purpose of the journal is to publish scholarly work in the social sciences defined in the classical sense, that is in the social sciences, the humanities, and the natural sciences.. PlumX Metrics – Top Social Media Articles. An International Journal. Critical and Radical Social Work is an exciting new journal that will promote debate and scholarship around a range of engaged social work themes. The journal publishes papers which seek to analyse and respond to issues, such as the impact of global neo-liberalism on social welfare; austerity. Many journals and other science-related newsrooms offer scientific findings in the form of emailed newsletters and electronic news feeds. Social workers can identify and subscribe to specific news feeds using real simple syndication (i.e., RSS feeders) that link to news articles in their area of practice. These resources, and. Indian J Soc Psychiatry, Official publication of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry,India. Log-in required; Full Text; Abstracts; Articles. full-text articles from Elsevier including strong collections of social science and psychology journals. Social Care Online. Open access / free on the web; Abstracts. information and research on all aspects of social care and social work; includes links to free. The Indian Journal of Social Work (IJSW) is the flagship publication of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, and is brought out by its Publications Unit. Published every January, April, July and October, the TISS entered its 77th year of uninterrupted publishing, a record in journal publishing, in 2016. The first issue of the IJSW. eSharp. (ELECTRONIC SOCIAL SCIENCE, HUMANITIES AND ARTS REVIEW FOR POSTGRADUATES). 16 University.. Luckily, her quite extensive works on academic writing (see Further Reading section) are available for.. than print-only ones, and that articles in free-access online journals are liable to be more widely. It publishes internationally recognized scholarly work on contemporary issues in citizenship, human rights and democratic processes from an interdisciplinary. A professional, double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access journal publishing high-quality scientific articles in the fields of education and social sciences. Published. Source documents include books, book chapters, journal articles, selected newspaper articles, government documents, conference papers, research reports, theses and. Counseling and Therapy in Video provides [a] large. online collection of video, available for the study of social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and. Critical and Radical Social Work is an exciting new journal that will promote debate and scholarship around a range of engaged social work themes. The journal publishes papers which seek to analyse and. Critical and Radical Social Work is available as a free online trial during 2013. To sign up, please send an email to. Race and Social Problems, a Springer publication, provides a multidisciplinary and international forum for the publication of articles and discussion of issues germane. For convenient ordering, please call toll-free 1-800-SPRINGER, 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. EST, or order online via the journal's home page, Journal of Social Welfare and Human Rights is an international journal that publishes original articles on social welfare and human rights. Its interdisciplinary approach and compa. The Becker College Libraries subscribe to a number of online journals and have access to others that are open access.. Digital editions are available for free.. Articles cover the full range of human-animal relations, from their treatment in the arts and humanities, through to behavioral, biological, social and health. ASSIA: Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts on the Web is an indexing and abstracting tool covering health, social services, psychology, sociology,.. Cambridge Journals Online is the online Cambridge University Press's collection of several journals across the computer sciences, sciences, social sciences and. PubMed is a service of the US National Library of Medicine that provides free access to MEDLINE, the NLM database of indexed citations and abstracts to medical, nursing, dental, veterinary, health care, and preclinical sciences journal articles. It also includes additional selected life sciences journals not. Published for the British Association of Social Workers, this is the leading academic social work journal in the UK. It covers every aspect of social work, with papers reporting research, discussing practice, and examining principles and theories. The Open Journal of Social Sciences (JSS) is an openly accessible journal published monthly. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of social science. Scholars Portal RACER. Use RACER, our interlibrary loan system to request a document from another library across Canada; just sign up for a free account. Login in to RACER. Any questions? Contact ILLO at 807-343-8135 or email Every Continuing Education Credit Hour is $4. Free State Social Work offers on-line continuing education for social workers, counselors, and therapists using carefully selected academic journals, government reports, and other professional resources. Academic articles are chosen for their ability to enhance professional. This database is produced by the National Association of Social Workers. Social Work Abstracts database contains more than 26,000 records, spanning 1977 to the present, from social work and other related journals on topics such as homelessness, AIDS, child and family welfare, aging, substance abuse, legislation,. The association's 123,000 members can access social work publications and forums online, participate in discounted training seminars and attend annual membership conferences. Membership also includes access to the industry's best newsletters, blogs and informational webinars and free or discounted continuing. An overview of sociology journals that offer access to a selection of full-text articles online.. The journal is particularly interested in publishing work related to issues with social justice, human rights, and environmental implications, but all significant social issues are of interest. IDEA: A Journal of Social. Author's Guide to Social Work Journals. By the NASW. "...submission guidelines and format; review process; acceptance rate for articles..." In the Brown School library. CES4Health. Community Engaged Sponsorship for Health. " a free online mechanism. 2010–2017. Volume 98 (2017). Volume 98, Issue 4 (2017). pp 255 – 328. partially free access. Volume 98, Issue 3 (2017). pp 167 – 251. partially free access.. are informed of significant findings and trends through articles on research and policy, direct-practice issues, and the delivery and management of services. In this.